This stack can be utilized to create a field containing the horizontal and vertical coordinates of a path that you trace on the screen. The coordinates are stored in the form ;
Drag from x1,y1 to x2,y2
Drag from x2,y2 to x3,y3 (etc...)
These commands can then be pasted into a script, and may be used to create animation or other special effects.
-- part contents for card part 9
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DragTracer version 1.0, September 27th, 1987
This stackware was created out of necessity by:
_____Paul A. Leonard______
Feel free to pass this around. Distribute it to any on line services that you know of, but please leave all notices intact.
Hopefully you will feel a compelling, Mac-fanatic type need to compensate me for my efforts. In that case, I can be reached at;
3829 Lees Ave
Long Beach, CA 90808
I welcome any comments you may have regarding this stack.
-- part contents for card part 15
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DragTracer version 1.0, September 27th, 1987
I believe it is alright for a stackware author (herein referred to as a stacker) to request a shareware fee for stackware that has taken some effort, but I do not feel it is proper to protect or restrict the user level.
The scripts of a stack should be available for all to see, so that other stackers might advance their own stacks with any useful methods they may find, or may comment on a script to an author to suggest improvements. One should also have access to scripts so that they can customize an existing stack to better suit their needs.